Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Get results 11 to 20 of content items in Dutch English with the keywords (=tags, labels, terms) news and sports.


Find the Dutch content item versions for the content items with ID M1 and P26111

Code Block
  - M123M1
  - P12345P26111
  - nl

Releases and work in progress


  • Rate limitations to protect the server from Denial of Service attacks ("DDoS") and other security enhancements.
  • Including Inclusion of referenced items in the response.
  • Field filtering to only keep relevant fields in the response.
  • Support for more kinds of search criteria, including custom fields.


The examples here are written as YAML, but also JSON is supported. YAML is quicker and more clear clearer to read and write (when you know it) and therefore useful when trying out search queries by hand. JSON is the more logical choice when serializing an object for the search query in your code (or when you are simply more comfortable with it).


Response item errors

Notice: Possible Possibly subject to change in the next version


Code Block
  "error" : "Error parsing search query: Unrecognized field \"idsxxx\" (class, not marked as ignorable (9 known properties: \"keywordCategories\", \"keywordsNot\", \"from\", \"text\", \"keywordsOr\", \"keywordsAnd\", \"ids\", \"languages\", \"to\"])\n at [Source:; line: 3, column: 4] (through reference chain:[\"search\"]->[\"idsxxx\"])"

Still it , if you look carefully it can tell you that a field name idsxxx was used in place of one of the valid ones listed, including ids.


The list below are the currently supported parameters for querying the Search & Retrieve API. This list will be expanded in future releases.

Parameter nameDescriptionExample (yaml)Example (json)

Search for a content item using the item's content ID (Note: NOT the content item version ID). When you are looking for a Page the ID needs to be prefixed with a P, when looking for a media item the ID should be prefixed with an M. So for example for a page it would be P26111 and for a media item it would be M1.

This parameter can be used


together with the languages parameter in order to retrieve the

correct version. It can not

current or active version for those languages. When no languages are specified, the current version for all languages defined in XperienCentral is returned.

The ids parameter can only be used in combination with

any other

the languages parameter. When other parameters

besides ids and languages

are provided they will be ignored.

  - P26111
  - M1
"search": {
"ids": [
languagesBy adding this parameter to the request you can control in which language you want the results to be returned. This parameter supports both the short country code metatag value (ISO-639) as well as the full meta tag value (ISO-639 and ISO-3166 separated by an underscore "_"). Please note that when the full metatag value is provided, just the country code will be used, due to a limitation within the content index. This will be fixed in a later XperienCentral release. The languages parameter can be used in combination with both ID based queries and parameterized queries. If this parameter is omitted the active version for each available language will be returned. If there is no active version available, no version will be returned.
  - en_US
  - nl
"search": {
"languages": [
textThis field can be used to search for any text in the title or the body of the documents in the content index.
  text: lorem
"search": {
"text": "lorem"
keywordsAndAdd a list of terms to the query. The results have to contain all the listed terms.
  - term 1
  - term 2
"search": {
"keywordsAnd": [
"term 1",
"term 2"
keywordsOrAdd a list of terms to the query. The results have to contain one or more of the terms specified.
  - term 1
  - term 2
"search": {
"keywordsOr": [
"term 1",
"term 2"

keywordsNotAdd a list of terms to the query. The results
must not contain any of the listed terms.
  - term 1
  - term 2
"search": {
"keywordsNot": [
"term 1",
"term 2"
keywordCategoriesAdd a list of term categories to the query. The result has to contain at least one term that is in one of the provided categories.
  - term category 1
  - term category 2
"search": {
"keywordCategories": [
"term category 1",
"term category 2"
fromAllows the selection of a subset of the results starting at the value of this parameter. The first result in a result set has index 1, so the from parameter should always be 1 or higher. Also note that this parameter is inclusive, meaning that when from is 3, the result set will include the third result and onwards. When omitted the value 1 will be used.
  from: 3
"search": {
"from": 3
toAllows the selection of a subset of the results ending at the value of this parameter. Like the from parameter this parameter is inclusive, meaning that when to is set to 1, only the first result will be returned. When from is set to 3 and to is set to 5 the results 3, 4 and 5 will be returned.
Like from the
The minimum value for this parameter is 1. When omitted a maximum number of 100 results will be returned, starting at the from parameter if provided, 1 otherwise.
  to: 3
"search": {
"to": 5