Versions Compared


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Beginning in version R28, XperienCentral no longer uses the Apache Jackrabbit JCR index solution by default. This topic is only relevant to users of XperienCentral versions R27 and lower. See the XperienCentral upgrades notes for version R28 for more information.

This topic contains some example XPath queries that can be used in the [XperienCentral JCR browser] (. Jackrabbit supports a subset of XPath 2.0 which is a subset of XQuery1.0). See also JCR Browser for complete information and other examples.


  • Retrieve the JCR item with UUID "8d38de7b-cec9-4fd6-a714-65e1a61b5bba":


  • Retrieve all page versions which have a preload form attribute

    //element(*, wo:ss_section)[@wo:preload_form]

  • Retrieve all page versions with an element containing the text "XX":

    //element(*, wo:ss_section)[jcr:contains(wo:element/@wo:text,'*XX*')]

  • Retrieve all pages which contain a specific element

    //element(*,wo:ss_section)[wo:element/@jcr:primaryType = 'mywcb:element']


Although Jackrabbit uses the XQuery grammar, it only implements the set of XPath features required by JCR-170 (and some
extras, like predicates on location steps). For more information about XPath see the documentation and software resources page












