Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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clearrestSpecifies whether to clear all "remaining URLs" from the search index. This means that all results not indexed in the current run will be removed. Only use this option together with the fullindex option.

Specifies the name of the directory where the Solr search directories are located.

Note: You can override the default XperienCentral Solr configuration. Perform the following steps in order for the modifications to the Solr configuration files to be applied and saved:

  1. Start XperienCentral.
  2. Create a new directory for the Solr configuration files.
  3. Copy the directory <xperiencentral-root>/work/searchengine/conf/core0/conf to the directory you created in the previous step.
  4. Modify the configuration file(s) as desired in the new directory.
  5. Add the Solr directory that you created above to the property "config_directory" in the "wmasolrsearch" section (above).
  6. Click [Save Changes] in the Setup Tool.
  7. In the XperienCentral Workspace, navigate to the Plugins dialog (Configuration > Plugins).
  8. Stop and restart the plugin "wmasolrsearch".

If after performing the steps above you modify the override configuration files in the directory set as config_directory, you must perform the following steps for them to take effect:

  1. Modify the configuration file(s) as desired in the config_directory.
  2. In the XperienCentral Workspace, navigate to the Plugins dialog (Configuration > Plugins).
  3. Stop and restart the plugin "wmasolrsearch".
crontabscheduleThe Crontab schedule that dictates when the search index will be generated. The Crontab schedule used is a variant of the standard UNIX Crontab scheduler with a "seconds" field prefixed to the beginning.For complete information on scheduling jobs in XperienCentral, see Scheduling Jobs.
fullindexSpecifies whether to generate the entire index instead of just the pages that have been added/changed.
