Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Publication StatusThe following are the possible publication status states:
  • Active — The content item version has a public workflow state ("Published" for example) and the current date/time falls within the publication and expiration date range and the version has the most recent publication date.
  • Inactive — The content item version has a non-public workflow state ("Planned" for example) or its publication date is not the most recent.
  • Expired — The content item version has a public workflow state ("Published" for example) and the current date/time is later than the expiration date.
  • Scheduled for publication — The content item version has a public workflow state ("Published" for example) and the current date/time is earlier than the publication date.
Workflow StatusThe workflow state that the content item is currently in (Planned, Published, etc.). To change the Workflow State, click [Edit Properties] and navigate to the "Status" tab. You can also change the workflow status of a content item using the Actions menu.
CreatedThe date and time that the content item was created.
Last modifiedThe date and time that the content item was last modified.
IDThe internal ID of the content item. This is the unique identifier within XperienCentral for all content items that have only one version. All versions of a content item share the same ID. Because of this, the "Version ID" of a content item version, described below, is therefore its unique ID within XperienCentral. You can search for content items according to its ID using both Quick Search and Advanced Search.
Version IDThe internal ID of this version of the content item. Because different versions of a content item share the same ID (described above), the version ID of a content item version is its unique identifier within XperienCentral. You can search for content items according to its version ID using both Quick Search and Advanced Search.
RemarkRemarks allow you to note what you have modified or attach other comments to a page or page section. When a page or page section has a remark added to it, the icon for the page or page section in the Page Section Widget or Site Structure Widget has a yellow tint.
View audit trailClick to view the audit trail for this content item.
Watch this ContentClick [Start Watching] to watch this content. When you watch content, you will receive an e-mail notification when the following events occur:

  • Content is modified.
  • The workflow state is modified.
  • A page or page section is moved.
  • A content item is deleted.


In the Versions tab you can see details regarding all versions of the content item that exist in the current language. The state of the current version is "Current version" ("Published") and the state of all other versions is "Draft". To switch to a different version of the content item, use the View All Versions command in the Actions Menumenu. The table details which user created the version, its publication date and its expiration date (if any). For pages and page sections, you can also delete older, unpublished versions by selecting the checkbox next to it and clicking [Delete].


In the Design tab, you can select a different design template and/or style for the page or page section. This allows you to change the look and feel of the page or page section on the website frontendfront-end. To select a different design template for the current content item:


Current settingsShows the settings that are currently applied to the page or page section. If "(Own settings)" is shown, then the settings for the current page or page section are those defined in the property tabs, which means that the page or page section's settings are not inherited from or overruled by another by another page or page section.
Use Expiration DateSpecifies whether the page or page section has an expiration date assigned to it. The page or page section will expire on the date set for it in the Basic tab. If this setting is cleared, the page or page section has no expiration date.

When selected, this page or page section requires HTTPS authentication in order to be viewed.



To use this setting, your website must be configured to use HTTPS. Contact your application manager for more information.

LanguageSpecifies the default language for the page or page section on the website frontend. When a website visitor requests this page or page section, this is the language version they will view. To change the default language, select "Define other settings for this page or page section" and click [Save]. A drop-down becomes available from which you can select the default language version.
Define other settings for this page or page sectionThis option allows you to set the general settings for the page or page section and to pass on the settings from the current page or page section to its child pages. By default, all child pages of pages and page sections inherit the settings of its parent page. To override the passing on of settings, select this option and then click [Save]. You can then manually select which child pages inherit the settings from the current page or page section in the section "Pass on current settings" below.
nowrap="nowrap"Pass on current settingsAllows you to specify which page(s) or page section(s) will inherit the settings of the current page or page section. By default, pages and page sections pass on their settings to all child pages or page sections.


In the Page Sections tab, you can see which page sections are assigned to the current page.
