Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleXperienCentral R34

XperienCentral R34

Release date: November 18, 2021


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R34

Upgrading to XperienCentral R34 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R34.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Deprecated Media Repository Method Removed

The following method which was deprecated in 2009 has been removed from nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.MediaRepository:

Code Block
int copyMediaItem(MediaItemVersion mediaItem);

titleXperienCentral R33.1

XperienCentral R33.1

Release date: September 27, 2021


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R33.1

Upgrading to XperienCentral R33.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R33.1.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

CSRF Approved URL Setting

A new CSRF setting has been added that allows you to approve URLs and bypass the CSRF checks. See the setting csrf_ignore_url_paths_regex in the application_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool.


Exempting URLs from the CSRF checks weakens the security of your channel(s), therefore you should exercise caution with this setting.

Minimum Java Version

Beginning in R33.1, the minimum Java version required to run XperienCentral is Java 11. The maximum Java version supported is Java 13. This is also required for the XperienCentral add-ons:

  • Content API
  • Monitoring Framework
  • Headless Integration
  • Modular Content


titleXperienCentral R33

XperienCentral R33

Release date: July 30, 2021


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R33

Upgrading to XperienCentral R33 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R33.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Google Sitemap Automatic Upload

In XperienCentral R33, a new setting for controlling whether XperienCentral automatically uploads generated sitemaps to Google has been introduced. The setting google_sitemap_automatic_upload can be found in the application_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. When enabled, if a Google sitemap is generated, it is automatically uploaded according to the schedule configured in the setting google_sitemap_generator_schedule. When disabled, the latest generated sitemap is not uploaded.

Because it is disabled by default, when upgrading from R32, the option must be enabled manually if XperienCentral should continue to automatically submit the sitemap to Google.

New Channel for the Interactive Forms Panel

Beginning in XperienCentral version R33, the Interactive Forms panel uses the "iafpanel" channel to render forms. This mechanism makes it possible to decouple the IAF visual representations from the website presentation. New presentations should use it for all standard fragment types unless the representation inside the IAF panel must resemble the website's presentation. When upgrading, there are 3 possible options for handling this situation:

  1. Add "iafpanel" (without quotes) to the channels_using_fallback setting in the application_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. This will make all presentations without an explicit "iafpanel" channel declaration behave as described in option 3 below. This is the quickest fix. The notes in option 3 be;pw also apply to this option.
  2. Add the "iafpanel" channel to all custom formStep, FormSectionVersion and form fragment presentation descriptors. This will deliver the best Edit side presentation and will prevent the custom presentations from being cluttered with Edit-side logic. For a text input fragment, the channel declaration looks like this:

    Code Block
       <presentation>FormFragmentTextInput</presentation> <!-- Name of IAF's own presentation -->

    As a result, any code in the presentation JSPs that is specific to the preview mode can be removed.

  3. Add the "iafpanel" channel to all custom formStep, FormSectionVersion and form fragment presentation descriptors and have it refer to itself. The Interactive Forms panel will then continue to use the custom presentations, making it possible to have the same HTML output in the panel as on the website.

    • Option 1 has the same effect as Option 3 but it is easier to implement. The disadvantage of using Option 1 is that it might not be obvious that an "iafpanel" channel that you want to point to the IAF's own presentation (Option 2) is missing from a presentation descriptor.
    • The IAF panel presentation(s) may look different than the pre-R33 version(s) because of changes to the CSS.
    • When the fragmentDiv tag is overruled in a custom presentation plugin, the new logic for adding the data-jcr-uuid attribute in Edit mode that has been added to IAF's fragmentDiv tag must be copied from it.
    • Option 2 or 3 can be used separately for each presentation.

CSRF Settings

To better protect websites hosted by XperienCentral against CSRF attacks, a new mechanism has been introduced that uses a CSRF token that is stored in a cookie, and an SHA-256 hash of this token plus a random 16 character long nonce, postfixed with the used nonce, must be included in all non-GET requests to the server as a header or form field. This change could affect custom functionality in the following ways:

  • If a custom version of the Interactive Form file formvalidationbindings.js is used, it must be updated with the anti-CSRF changes which can be found by searching for "csrf" in the upgraded formvalidationbindings.js.
  • If the Interactive Form formsHeadTag presentation is not called from a custom presentation plugin, then the page presentations of this plugin must include the /<context path>/js/form/csrfprotection.js script.
  • If XHR form posts are performed in custom panels, elements or widgets, the X-CSRF-Token header must be added to these posts.
  • The secure_rest_against_csrf configuration setting and the mandatory use of the X-Session-Verify header when it is enabled are now only relevant for GET requests to XperienCentral's REST API. All other types of requests to the REST API are now always checked, irrespective of the secure_rest_against_csrf configuration setting, and they must contain the X-CSRF-Token header. See the application_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool for complete information on the secure_rest_against_csrf setting.
  • If custom voting presentations are used, the X-CSRF-Token must be added to the form posts they execute. See voting.jspf in the Community Edition presentation for an example.
  • External requests to /services/oembed must add a X-CSRF-Token header to the request. It can be retrieved from the X-CSRF-Token response header when the steps on Security Guidelines for Developers have been followed.
  • It is not possible to submit forms to XperienCentral from other domains, even when that domain is another channel of the same XperienCentral installation, because browsers do not allow reading cookies from another domain.

See also Security Guidelines for Developers for more information.


The following changes have been made to the formvalidationbindngs.js file:

  • A new initCSFW function has been added that is called in the $(document).ready for all forms and from the IAF_FormLoaded event listener.
  • initCSFW calls the new loadScript function which adds a script tag to load the client-side framework.
  • The IAF_ShowFormFragment and IAF_HideFormFragment event listeners have been updated to prevent event propagation.
  • The IAF_SubmitForm event listener has been updated to add the anti-CSRF header when submitting the form using Ajax and to support form fields that have "submit" as their identifier.
  • The IAF_AjaxShowFormStep event listener now checks whether the response contains the X-CSRF-Token header. If it does, then it creates a hidden input with its value. This is done to support IAF forms on external domains.
  • The formObj.submit function defined in the init function has been updated to add the anti-CSRF input field when submitting the form.
  • A new showGeneralErrorMessage function has been defined that shows a general error message at the top of a form when a communication error occurs.

Interactive Forms Upload Element

The Upload element in Interactive Forms has been modified to allow multiple file uploads. You can also set a minimum and maximum number of allowed files in an Upload element. See Creating Forms for complete information.

Modular Content Tag Property change (v2.0.13)

Properties of type tagare now referenced using an ID instead of by name. For example, suppose you have the following tag property:

Code Block
TemplateProperty tagProperty = modularVersion.getModularTemplateInstance().getPropertyByIdentifier("mypropertyoftypetag");

Previously, the tag name would be retrieved using tagProperty.getStringValue(). Now the (Siteworks) ID of the property must first be retrieved using getIntegerValue() and, given that, the correspronding MediaTerm can be retrieved using getWrapper. For example:

Previously in Java

Code Block
TemplateProperty property = modularVersion.getModularTemplateInstance().getPropertyByIdentifier("mypropertyoftypetag");
String tagName = property.getStringValue();

Now in Java

Code Block
TemplateProperty property = modularVersion.getModularTemplateInstance().getPropertyByIdentifier("mypropertyoftypetag");
Long tagId = property.getIntegerValue();
Session session = getSessionManager().getActiveSession();
MediaTerm categoryTag = (MediaTerm) session.getWrapper(tagId.intValue(), MediaTerm.class);
String tagName = categoryTag.getName();

Previously in JSP Code

Code Block
<c:set var="mediaItem" value="${presentationcontext.mediaItem}" />
<c:set var="currentMV" value="${mediaItem.current}" />
<c:if test="${wmfn:instanceOf(currentMV, 'nl.gx.product.wmamodularcontent.api.ModularMediaItemArticleVersion')}">
   <c:set var="mti" value="${current.modularTemplateInstance}" />
   <c:set var="supportedContenttype" value="${mti.type.identifier eq 'examplecontenttype'}" />
   <c:when test="${supportedContenttype && not empty mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getStringValue()}">
      <c:set var="tagName" value="${mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getStringValue()}" />

Now in JSP Code

Code Block
<c:set var="mediaItem" value="${presentationcontext.mediaItem}" />
<c:set var="currentMV" value="${mediaItem.current}" />
<c:if test="${wmfn:instanceOf(currentMV, 'nl.gx.product.wmamodularcontent.api.ModularMediaItemArticleVersion')}">
   <c:set var="mti" value="${current.modularTemplateInstance}" />
   <c:set var="supportedContenttype" value="${mti.type.identifier eq 'examplecontenttype'}" />
   <c:when test="${supportedContenttype && not empty mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getIntegerValue()}">
      <c:set var="tagId" value="${mti.getPropertyByIdentifier('mypropertyoftypetag').getIntegerValue()}" />
      <wm:object var="tagObject" objectId="${tagId}" objectType="nl.gx.webmanager.cms.mediarepository.mediaTerm" hideError="true" />
      <c:set var="tagName" value="${}" />

Interactive Forms Deprecated Methods

In XperienCentral versions R33 and higher, the following form methods have been deprecated.


The following method has been deprecated:

Code Block
void setUploadFragmentValue(String fragment, UploadedFile file);

use the following method instead:

Code Block
void setUploadFragmentValues(String fragment, List<UploadedFile> files);


The following method has been deprecated:

Code Block
public UploadedFile getUploadedFile(String key)

use the following method instead:

Code Block
public List<UploadedFile> getUploadedFiles(String key)


All methods have been deprecated. Use the following method instead:

Code Block
List<Object> files = scope.getValues();
if (files != null) {
   for (Object fileObj : files) {
      if (fileObj instanceof UploadedFile) {
         UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) fileObj;
         // Now read the attributes
         File file = file.getFile();
         long size = file.getSize();
         String contentType = file.getContentType();


titleXperienCentral R32

XperienCentral R32

Release date: May 12, 2021


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R32

Upgrading to XperienCentral R32 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R32.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Rebuild the Content Index

Due to a change in the Search functionality, you must rebuild the content index. To do so, manually remove the <webmanager-root>/work/contentindex directory after the upgrade and allow it to be regenerated after restarting XperienCentral. Selecting contentindex_queue_empty_reindex in the Setup Tool is not sufficient.

Check Google Sitemap Generator Schedule

In R32, XperienCentral generates and uploads a Google Sitemap by default once per day. If you do not want to generate a sitemap, clear the field google_sitemap_generator_schedule in the application_settings section on the General tab of the Setup Tool in each environment where you want to disable this functionality. You can also change the schedule to something else if desired.

Changes to the XperienCentral API

Removed Methods

The following deprecated methods have been removed in R32:

  • MediaRepository#updateMediaItem
  • PageManagementService#addLeadText(PageVersion pageversion)
  • PageManagementService#addLeadText(PageModel pageModel)

Added Methods

The methods PageVersion#getLead() and PageVersion#setLead, which were deprecated in XperienCentral version 10.13.0, have been undeprecated in R32. In version R32, page versions and media item versions now have both a Lead Text (#getLead) and a Meta Description (#getMetaDescription) which can be used separately. The purpose of the Meta Description field is to fill the head field in the HTML used by search engines. For example

<meta name="description" content="value of the meta description field" />

The purpose of the Lead field is to provide a short summary of the content item's content and can be used, for example, as a summary in a search function or in a Content Overview. One important difference is that, as designed, the Meta Description field is not meant to be visible to end users while the Lead Text is.

The following methods have been moved from MediaItemVersion to ContentItemVersion in order to make lead text and lead images also available to pages in the API:

  • String getLead();
  • void setLead(String leadText);
  • Image getLeadImage();
  • Image getLeadImageThumbnail();
  • Image getAttachedLeadImage();
  • void setAttachedLeadImage(FileResource leadImage);
  • MediaItem getLeadImageMediaItem();
  • void setLeadImageMediaItem(final MediaItem mediaItem);

Furthermore, the following methods have been added to ContentItemVersion

  • boolean getHasLead();
  • void removeAttachedLeadImage();
  • void setAttachedLeadImageFocusPoint(int x, int y);


titleXperienCentral R31

XperienCentral R31

Release date: March 4, 2021


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R31

Upgrading to XperienCentral R31 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R31.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Default Content Language

  • A change has been made to how the default content language is determined. Beginning in XperienCentral R31, the default language is the language that has the rank of "1" in the list of supported languages in the Language Labels panel.
  • In XperienCentral versions R31 and higher, the default content language is set to Dutch in a clean installation.
  • After upgrading to XperienCentral R31, ensure that the default content language for your channel(s) in the edit environment is correct. See Setting the Default Content Language for XperienCentral.
  • In some cases, the new default language setting can have an effect on the default language of the home page on the website frontend. After upgrading, check the language used by your home page on the frontend by default.
  • Due to issue GXWM-37982,  it might not be possible to set the default content language in the Language Labels panel in a multi-channel (multi-website) installation. If you run into this problem, the order can be changed using the JCR Browser. Follow these steps:

    1. Look up the channel node using "//element(*)[@wm:id='26098']". Change "26098" to the ID of the channel for which you want to modify the default content language.
    2. Click the wo_wmregistry child node in the results.
    3. Edit the wo:language property.
    4. Reorder the UUIDs as desired and then click [Update].

New WYSIWYG Editor in Interactive Forms

In XperienCentral R31, a new WYSIWYG editor has been introduced in Interactive Forms. It generates HTML in a slightly different way than the old editor. The changes introduced by the new WYSIWYG editor are:

  • Heading tags (<h1>-<h6>) and <p> tags are no longer wrapped in a <div>.
  • <b> tags are replaced by <strong> tags.
  • <i> tags are replaced by <em> tags.
  • Indendation in lists is now rendered using nested lists instead of <blockquote/> elements.

After ugrading to XperienCentral R31, HTML already stored in existing form elements remains unchanged. All new HTML produced after the upgrade will be generated in the new way. If you edit an existing WYSIWYG form element, it will be upgraded after saving. In some cases, extra whitespace may be introduced between elements.

GX Software recommends that you check new or modified WYSIWYG form elements after upgrading to R31 in order to determine whether you need to tweak your CSS to accommodate the behavior of the new WYSIWYG editor.

Connector Definition for AJP/1.3 Connections

In Tomcat versions 8.5.51, 9.0.31 and later, the connector definition in the server.xml file must contain the attribute secretRequired="false" for AJP/1.3 connections. Please check your server.xml file and ensure that the connector definition contains this attribute. For example:

<Connector port="8009" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" debug="1" protocol="AJP/1.3" secretRequired="false" URIEncoding="UTF-8" connectionTimeout="600000" />


The getPersonalizationXMLData method in the PersonalizationXMLDataProvider API has been changed from

String getPersonalizationXMLData(HttpServletRequest request);


String getPersonalizationXMLData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);

If you use this method, you must refactor your code to cope with the modification.


In version R31 of XperienCentral, the tag getMediaItemVersions has been added and the tag getMediaItems has been deprecated. getMediaItemVersions was added to support media item language versions. If you currently use the getMediaItems tag in your code, you need to refactor it to use getMediaItemVersions. Proceed as follows:

Replace all instances of the getMediaItems tag:

Code Block
<wm:getmediaitems var="mediaItems"/>

<c:forEach var="mediaItem" items="${mediaItems}">  
   <c:set var="mediaItemVersion" value="${mediaItem}"/>
   <c:if test="${not empty mediaItemVersion}">

to getMediaItemVersions. For example:

Code Block
<wm:getmediaitemversions var="mediaItemVersions"/>

<c:forEach var="mediaItemVersion" items="${mediaItemVersions}"> 

See getMediaItemVersions and the Javadoc for getMediaItemVersions for more information.

Delete Cache Before to Logging in to an XperienCentral R31 Installation Running Locally

Due to a change to internal JavaScript files in this release, GX Software strongly recommends that you delete your browser cache if you run a local installation of XperienCentral R31 after upgrading but before logging in for the first time. This does not apply to XperienCentral running on an Apache web server.

GX WebManager JUnit Wrapper Bundle

Beginning in XperienCentral version R31, the JUnit wrapper bundle is no longer deployed to XperienCentral by default. It is possible that plugins (including any reusables) built against older versions of XperienCentral still have an indirect dependency on this plugin which results in those dependent plugins not starting when XperienCentral is started.

There are two ways to fix this issue:

  • Rebuild custom plugin(s) against XperienCentral version R31
  • For resuables for which no R31 version or later version is available, you can manually deploy the webmanager-junit-bundle which can be found in the SDK under /maven2-repository/nl/gx/webmanager/testbundles/webmanager-junit-bundle.


titleXperienCentral R30.1

XperienCentral R30.1

Release date: December 10, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R30.1

Upgrading to XperienCentral R30.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R30.1.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

XSS Features

  • In XperienCentral R29.3, extended protections against XSS vulnerabilities have been introduced. A number of input fields in XperienCentral are now more rigorously validated against known XSS attacks. If the value of an input field is forbidden, the old value of the input field will remain unchanged and the upgrade is ignored. You can of course still allow this sort of input by adding it to a trusted list, however GX Software strongly recommends against doing so.
  • When input fields contain unsafe input before the upgrade, the content of these fields remains unchanged after the upgrade. If the content of one of these input fields is subsequently changed to other content considered unsafe, the updated content is ignored and the old (unsafe) content will remain.

External Application Support

  • The External Applications module has been removed from XperienCentral in version R29.3. Because that also removes the xslStyleSheetApplicationInclude.xml presentation, all references to this presentation should be manually removed from your project. For example, in the XperienCentral Community Edition plugin's xslStyleSheet.jspf file, the following line is removed:

     <wm:render presentationName="xslStyleSheetApplicationInclude" />

Uploaded File Handling

  • A new Apache rule should be added when upgrading to R30.1 in order to prevent uploaded files from being be opened inside the browser. Add the following rule to one of the configuration files included in the Apache httpd.conf file: 

         <Location ~ "(/upload|/upload_mm)">
        Header set Content-Disposition "attachment"

See also Linux Server Installation.


The setting xss_allowlist_siteworks_expressions was added in this version in the application_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. To avoid generating WARNING messages in the log, change the value of this setting to "" (without the quotes).


titleXperienCentral R29.3

XperienCentral R29.3

Release date: December 2, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.3

Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.3 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.3.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

XSS Features

  • In XperienCentral R29.3, extended protections against XSS vulnerabilities have been introduced. A number of input fields in XperienCentral are now more rigorously validated against known XSS attacks. If the value of an input field is forbidden, the old value of the input field will remain unchanged and the upgrade is ignored. You can of course still allow this sort of input by adding it to a trusted list, however GX Software strongly recommends against doing so.
  • When input fields contain unsafe input before the upgrade, the content of these fields remains unchanged after the upgrade. If the content of one of these input fields is subsequently changed to other content considered unsafe, the updated content is ignored and the old (unsafe) content will remain.

External Application Support

  • The External Applications module has been removed from XperienCentral in version R29.3. Because that also removes the xslStyleSheetApplicationInclude.xml presentation, all references to this presentation should be manually removed from your project. For example, in the XperienCentral Community Edition plugin's xslStyleSheet.jspf file, the following line is removed:

     <wm:render presentationName="xslStyleSheetApplicationInclude" />

Uploaded File Handling

  • A new Apache rule should be added when upgrading to R29.3 in order to prevent uploaded files from being be opened inside the browser. Add the following rule to one of the configuration files included in the Apache httpd.conf file: 

         <Location ~ "(/upload|/upload_mm)">
        Header set Content-Disposition "attachment"

See also Linux Server Installation.


The setting xss_allowlist_siteworks_expressions was added in this version in the application_settings section of the General tab of the Setup Tool. To avoid generating WARNING messages in the log, change the value of this setting to "" (without the quotes).


titleXperienCentral R30

XperienCentral R30

Release date: October 28, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R30

Upgrading to XperienCentral R30 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R30.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.



titleXperienCentral R29.2

XperienCentral R29.2

Release date: October 8, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.2

Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.2 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.2.

<br />

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.



titleXperienCentral R29.1

XperienCentral R29.1


Due to a known issue which has been solved, GX Software strongly recommends that you do not install or upgrade to XperienCentral version R29.1.

Release date: September 7, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.1

Upgrading to XperienCentral R29.1 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.1.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Changes to the Interactive Forms Date Validator

The date validator in Interactive Forms now only accepts the yyyy-mm-dd date format instead of dd-mm-yyyy. As a result, the formFragmentDateInput presentation in wmpformpresentation now generates a yyyy-mm-dd formatted date for the backend instead of dd-mm-yyyy. If you have a custom implementation of formFragmentDateInput that returns dates in the dd-mm-yyyy format, you need to modify it to return yyyy-mm-dd instead.

Additionally, you need to check any post-processing code that further handles dates submitted in an Interactive Form. For example, if the date submitted in the form is used in an email handler or stored in a database, you need to evaluate how this change affects any further processing you do on data received in forms.



titleXperienCentral R29

XperienCentral R29


Due to a known issue which has been solved, GX Software strongly recommends that you do not install or upgrade to XperienCentral version R29.

Release date: July 21, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R29

Upgrading to XperienCentral R29 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R29.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

New Method for Retrieving Media Items in Content Overviews

In this release, the Dynamic Content Overview now supports an explicit fallback language selection. For this implementation, the API of MediaCollectionElement (inherited by MediaCollectionOverviewElement) has been extended with the new method getMediaItemVersions() which replaces the method getMediaItems().

getMediaItemVersions() returns the correct media item version depending on the fallback language selected in the Dynamic Content Overview tab. In order to render the correct media item versions in the mediaCollectionElement on the frontend, the presentation JSP of the mediaCollectionElement must now use the new API method getMediaItemVersions().

For example, in webmanager-wcbs/webmanager-cestyle-wcb/src/main/resources/presentationtype/jsp/element/mediaCollectionElement.jspf, the code

Code Block
<c:forEach var="mediaItem" items="${mediaCollectionElement.mediaItems}">
<c:set var="mediaItemVersion" value="${mediaItem.current}" />

must be replaced by:

Code Block
<c:forEach var="mediaItemVersion" items="${mediaCollectionElement.mediaItemVersions}">
<c:set var="mediaItem" value="${mediaItemVersion.contentItem}" />

Beginning in version R29, SEO URLs are now available for downloads. If download elements are linked to downloads in the Content Repository, a small change is required to use these new SEO URLs. The change must be applied to each presentation of a download element (any presentation with scope DownloadElement).


For downloads whereby a file is uploaded directly in the Download content element, no change is required and you should continue to use your current implementation.

Beginning in R29, use the wm:link tag for downloads just as you would for any other media item in the Content Repository. For example:

Code Block
<%-- Generate the link using th wm:link tag --%>
<wm:link var="downloadLink" reference="${mediaItemVersion.targetPage}" contentid="${}" linkText="${mediaItemVersion.title}" /> 

<%-- HTML escape and render the link --%>
<h2 class="normal"><a href="${wmfn:escapeToHTMLAttribute(downloadLink.url)}">${wmfn:escapeToHTML(downloadElement.title)}</a></h2> 

New Security Protocol Setting for Frontend Servers

In XperienCentral R29, a new preview functionality was introduced. Among other things, this feature enables visitors who do not have permission to log in to the XperienCentral backend to nevertheless preview unpublished content. For this reason, the new setting frontend_use_https has been introduced. This setting can be configured for each website individually. frontend_use_https is disabled by default which means that preview links will be generated using the HTTP protocol if you do not enable it.




titleXperienCentral R28

XperienCentral R28

Release date: May 13, 2020


Minimum Version Required for Upgrading to XperienCentral R28

Upgrading to XperienCentral R28 requires a minimum version of R26. If you are upgrading from XperienCentral R25 or lower, you must first upgrade to R26 and then upgrade to XperienCentral R28.

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Performance Dashboard is Removed

The Performance Dashboard has been removed from XperienCentral in R28. Use the Monitoring Dashboard to view statistics and metrics related to your XperienCentral deployment. See also Administrative Pages.

While the upgrade scripts for XperienCentral should in principle remove all components related to the Performance Dashboard, in some circumstances it may not, therefore you need to manually remove any remnants. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Plugins.
  2. Locate "GX WebManager - Performance Dashboard" in the list and select it.
  3. Click [Uninstall].
  4. Click [Yes] when you are prompted to remove all data related to this plugin (purge).
  5. Repeat the steps above for the "GX WebManager - SystemHealthIndicator tracker" plugin.

See also Plugins Management Console.

Code Changes

The nestedPath attribute has been removed from fragmentValue.tag in the wmpformelement plugin. It has been replaced by the attribute formFragment. The value of this attribute contains an object with a nestedPath property. Wherever you use the <forms:fragmentValue> tag, you have to replace the nestedPath property. For example:

<forms:fragmentValue nestedPath="${formFragment.nestedPath}" />

must be changed to:

<forms:fragmentValue formFragment="${formFragment}" />

JCR Index

Beginning in R28, XperienCentral uses an XperienCentral-optimized indexing solution to support queries on frontend nodes instead of the Apache Jackrabbit JCR. This solution generally improves performance and drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to bring a new frontend node online in cloud deployments when traffic demands increase. The new indexing solution will always be used in XperienCentral even if the old JCR index is not disabled. The old JCR index should be disabled on production environments if possible.

See also the new JCR Index Settings that have been added to the Setup Tool.

JCR Query Replacement

If you use custom JCR queries in your deployment, they should be replaced in order to use the new API. The following shows a typical query replacement:

Queries similar to this:

With the JCR index

String xPathQuery = "//element(*, wo:personalization_category)[@wo:items = '" + getUUID() + "']";
final QueryManager queryManager = wmSession.getJcrSession().getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
final Query elementsQuery = queryManager.createQuery(xPathQuery, Query.XPATH);
NodeIterator nodes = elementsQuery.execute().getNodes();


should be changed to something like this:

Without the JCR index

NodeIterator nodes = getJcrIndexQueryManager().getNodes(wmSession.getJcrSession(), "wo:personalization_category", Collections.singletonMap("wo:items", getUUID()));


Disabling the Built-in Apache Jackrabbit JCR Index

To disable the old Apache Jackrabbit JCR index, follow these steps:

  1. Remove both occurrences of: <SearchIndex>...</SearchIndex> in <wm-root>/work/jcr/repository.xml.
  2. Remove the directory <wm-root>/work/jcr/repository.

Content API User Credentials

In the Connector API, there are two locations in Configuration > Import/Export Configuration where user credentials define which user account executes import/export jobs: one on the Configuration tab and one on the Job tab. The Job tab previously contained the fields "Username", "Password" and "Use application key". The Cofiguration tab contained the same fields with an additional "Website" field. These fields have been replaced by a single "User" drop-down list. In R28 a new System user option has been introduced in the User Authorization panel. Only user accounts designated as system users can be authorized to execute automated export/import jobs.

Re-add Users as System Users

After upgrading to R28, the existing username(s) will still be used by the Connector API. As soon as you open either of the panels, however, the user(s) might not be selectable anymore and if you re-save the configuration, the jobs might stop running. This is the intended behavior. The solution is to navigate to the Authorization panel, designate new system users and then designate them as the user accounts that run jobs on the Configuration and Job tabs in Import/Export Configuration.


titleXperienCentral R27

XperienCentral R27

Release date: March 26, 2020

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Language Version Support for Media Items

Beginning in XperienCentral 10.27.0, each version of a media item has a specific language defined for it. During the upgrade R27 or higher, each media item is assigned the default editing language of the home page. A consequence of this is that media items might not be shown any longer if its language differs from that of the page on which it should be shown. This is also the case for (lead) images stored in the Content Repository. This can be solved in many cases by defining a fallback language for the languages on your channel. If the fallback language for Dutch is set to English, for example, and there is no Dutch media item to be shown on a Dutch page, then the English version will be shown. This is the case for all kinds of media items, images as well as articles, for example.

Check the following to ensure that media items in your channel(s) are handled appropriately:

  • The "Language" setting (default editing language) for the home page: Properties widget > General > Other > Language.
  • Enable/disable fallback langauge(s) setting: Channel Configuration > General > Options > "Use another language if language is not available".
  • The fallback language to use for a language: Language Labels.

Modify your Solr Configuration

In this version of XperienCentral, the Lucene version has been upgraded to version 6.6.6, therefore you must make the following changes to solrconfig.xml:

Change the declaration




and add the following declaration to the <config></config> section:

<schemaFactory class="ManagedIndexSchemaFactory">
   <bool name="mutable">false</bool>

Deprecated Method

The following method has been deprecated in the XperienCentral API in this release:

  • MediaRepositoryManagementService.createMediaItemVersion (MediaItem,MediaItemVersion) — Use createMediaItemVersion(MediaItemVersion) instead.

Removed Methods/Interfaces

The following methods and interfaces have been removed from the XperienCentral API in this release:

  • MediaRepository.createContent — Use MediaRepositoryManagementService.createMediaItem(Website, String) instead.
  • MediaItemDownloadVersion.getPersonalization() — Use getPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • PageVersion.getPersonalization() — Use getPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • Element.getPersonalization() — Use getPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • Element.setPersonalization() — Use setPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • MediaItemDownloadVersion.setPersonalization() — Use setPersonalizationItem() instead.
  • Website.getPersonalizations() — Use getPersonalizationItems() instead.
  • Utilities.checkPersonalizations() — Use checkPersonalizationItems() instead.
  • DirectoryElement
  • FileNode
  • PollElement

  • PollItem

  • WhoIsWhoElement

Update your Presentation JSPs

You need to update your presentation JSPs if they use the following methods:

  • PageVersion.getPersonalization()
  • Element.getPersonalization()
  • MediaItemDownloadVersion.getPersonalization()

Perform a global search in your presentation JSPs for the string ".personalization" to ensure that you catch all instances.


titleXperienCentral R26.1

XperienCentral R26.1

Release date: January 21, 2020

Check Configuration Files

See Check Configuration Files.

Solr Search

The search functionality has been upgraded to Solr 6 in this version of XperienCentral. After upgrading, perform the following steps in order to prepare your deployment for Solr 6:

  1. Stop Tomcat if it is running.
  2. Remove the directory <webmanager-root>/work/searchengine.
  3. If you have a custom solrconfig.xml, you need to modify it — open it in a text editor.
  4. Remove the following declaration:

    <requestHandler name="/admin/" class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers" />

  5. Save your custom solrconfig.xml.
  6. Start Tomcat.
  7. Log in to XperienCentral.

Realtime indexing

If you use real-time indexing (the XperienCentral Realtime Indexing reusable):

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Realtime Indexing.
  2. Select the "Indexing" tab.
  3. Select all the websites that you want to index in the top part of the panel.
  4. Click [Index selected items].

No realtime indexing

  1. Open the Setup Tool.
  2. Select the Search Tools tab.
  3. Click [Index] in the "INDEX URL" section.
