Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleXperienCentral 10.10.0

XperienCentral 10.10.0

  • Because of security reasons it is recommended to disable the following permissions for the Main Editor role when being used: "Maintain design templates", "Maintain application servers", "Maintain application proxy servers", "Maintain application proxy servers", "Maintain application replacements", "Maintain Layouts", "Maintain XSLT expressions", "Maintain language labels", "Maintain users", "Maintain roles" and "Import users".
  • For security reasons, it is no longer permitted to use the Interactive Forms "Copy File Handler" to copy files to any arbitrary location. The only directories (and its subdirectories) to which the copy file handler is allowed to copy files are those specified in the configuration (the property "website_settings.file_upload_valid_directories" in the Setup Tool). By default, no directories are specified, which means that by default attempting to copy files will fail. When upgrading, please configure the allowed directories in the Setup Tool. It is recommended that you only use directories that are not part of GX Webmanager 10 XperienCentral itself. The new setting should also be used in custom code where files can be uploaded to a user-defined location.
  • And also the following functionalities have been removed because of security considerations: Design Templates (panel), Design Template Folders (tab).  Similar functionality is provided by the System Utilities - File Browser which should be used instead.
  • The configuration of Maintainable Folders has been moved to the Setup Tool.
  • Error messages from Spring Framework Validators are now escaped. This means HTML markup can not be used in these error message any more. Typically you need to remove styling like <font color="red"> from your message files. CSS styling is possible using the "span.error" selector.
  • Labels for the wmedit:radioButton, wmedit:select and wmedit:selectItem JSPtags will now be escaped to HTML by default. In case HTML is used in such labels, this needs to be replaced.


More robust HTML escaping JSP functions are introduced as a replacement for fn:escapeXml. These are wmfn:escapeToHTML for generic use in HTML and wmfn:escapeToHTMLAttribute for escaping HTML attributes. Unlike fn:escapeXml, these functions do not escape L CODE tags that are used for links and personalization tags. It is recommended that you replace all instances of fn:escapeXml in frontend presentations with these functions. In specific cases this is required for L CODE tags and personalization to work correctly.

titleXperienCentral 10.9.0

XperienCentral 10.9.0

  • The GetText servlet has been deleted. If you are using a modified web.xml file then be sure to remove any references to the GetText servlet.
  • From now on the 3.0 servlet API is supported only. To enable this the dependencies to the related artifacts need to be changed in custom poms that refer to these artifacts: javax.servlet:servlet-api and javax.servlet:jsp-api.
  • The web.xml deployment descriptor header should be changed to the 3.0 format:

    Code Block
    <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""version="3.0">          

  • Maven 3.X does not support file URLs like "file:./maven-repository" in the settings.xml anymore, therefore the "localRepository" setting must be a real file path from now on and this should be updated in your custom Maven settings if needed. An absolute path is preferred for referring to the same repository (for example in subprojects) because the settings are relative to the current project directory (see

  • Maven 3.X discourages using expressions for the groupId, artifactId and version settings in POMs and other descriptors. These have been replaced by constant values and, as a result, the webmanager.project.groupId, webmanager.project.artifactId and webmanager.project.version settings  from the settings.xml no longer serve a purpose and thus have been removed from the settings.xml. As a result of this it may be necessary to update the values of your project specific webmanager.staticbasedir, webmanager.backendbasedir and webmanager.cleansitelocation settings.

  • Because the Maven plugin for OSGI bundles has been replaced in Maven 3.X, the following adjustments are needed in the pom.xml of custom plugins.

        Maven 2:
          <project ...>

        Replacement in Maven 3:
          <project ...>

      MAVEN OSGI PLUGIN: Note especially that the <explicitImportPackage> tag is not needed any more.
      Previously this tag was used to make exported local packages available within the plugin code.

        Maven 2:


        Replacement in Maven 3:

                <!-- REMOVED! explicitImportPackage -->

  • If a custom parent pom.xml is used in place of the one delivered in the XperienCentral SDK ZIP (nl.gx.webmanager.wcbs:webmanager-wcbs), then you need to make the following changes in the parent pom.xml. Some of these tags can also be used directly in the pom.xml of a plugin. In that case, the same "translation" should be used there.

      Maven 2:


      Replacement in Maven 3:
              <Embed-Dependency>*;scope=compile</Embed-Dependency>  <!-- NEW! -->
              <Embed-Transitive>true</Embed-Transitive>  <!-- NEW! -->
              <Export-Package/>  <!-- NEW! -->


              <!-- REMOVED: bundleManifestVersion -->

  • The maven-bundle-plugin adds version information to the Manifest file for its dependencies. This information is checked at runtime in order to ensure that an accepted version of the referred plugin is installed on the system, otherwise the plugin will fail to start. The default runtime version requirements are sensible, but when dealing with 3rd party components you might need to overrule these default requirements. This can be done as follows to allow v1.x.x - v5.x.x:    <Import-Package>com.gxwebmanager.tests.testservice.*;version="[1,6)",*</Import-Package>.

titleXperienCentral 10.7.1

XperienCentral 10.7.1

XperienCentral 10.7.1 provides an oEmbed service to embed XC content in external oEmbed consumers. The presentation of this content is provided by some XC presentation files. An example implementation can be found in the wmpcommunityeditionstyle WCB (provided in the edition-bundles directory of the release) that contains presentations with the following names:  "WM page embed", "WM page embed ssi", "WM contentpart embedded" that are used to render the oEmbed presentation. "WM content" and "WM databasepage" are invoked but not modified.

titleXperienCentral 10.7.0

XperienCentral 10.7.0

  • The manner in which the active version of a form or form section is determined has been changed. It no longer makes use of a predefined set of states, but uses the XperienCentral Workflow functionality instead. As a result of this the getActiveVersion and setActiveVersion methods on the Form and FormSection class have been deprecated. The getActiveVersion method now invokes the newly introduced getCurrent method to determine which version is returned as the  "active" version. The setActiveVersion no longer executes any logic at all.
  • The behavior of the Session#getWrapper method has been altered when retrieving Content Items (instances of MediaItem). Previously this method would return an object even if none could be found for the requested identifier while now it will return null in this situation.
  • 10.7.0 introduces support for Workflow in Interactive Forms. In order for this to work properly, WebManager sets up a new Workflow Repository Model called "Interactive Forms Workflow". You may want to review whether the permissions assigned to each activity suit your needs. You can find Workflow Repository Model configuration in the "Workflow" menu. The following permissions have been introduced in WebManager 10.7.0: Copy forms, create forms, create versions of forms, delete forms and edit forms.

titleXperienCentral 10.5.0

XperienCentral 10.5.0

The model in order to store personalizations has been refactored. As a result, export files created using the content export functionality in the setup tool of older XperienCentral versions containing personalizations or references to personalizations cannot be imported on XperienCentral 10.5.0 and vice versa.

titleXperienCentral 10.4.1

XperienCentral 10.4.1

  • In 10.4.1 the logic which adds anchors and back to top links to elements has been moved from the content.jspf, which loops over and renders all elements, to two separate presentation JSPs, one with scope ElementAnchor, which prepends the anchors to an element if applicable and one with scope ElementBackToTop, which adds the back to top links to an element if applicable.
  •  All element related logic should be removed from your project specific presentation JSPs which currently loop over and render the elements, like the content.jspf in the webmanager-cestyle-wcb and add two new presentation JSPs based on the elementAnchor.jspf and elementBackToTop.jspf in the webmanager-cestyle-wcb.


XperienCentral 10.4.0

  • In 10.4.0 all default database connections are merged to one database connection named WebManagerDb which by default is accessed through JNDI lookups. Therefore it is necessary that before deploying  the application the WebManagerDb datasource is configured to be available on the application server. For Apache Tomcat edit the server.xml and add this resource to the context of the backend webapp:

    Code Block
    Resource name="jdbc/WebManagerDb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="${webmanager.externaldb.dbuser}" password="${webmanager.externaldb.dbpassword}"        driverClassName="${webmanager.externaldb.dbdriver}" url="${webmanager.externaldb.dburl}" maxActive="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000" testWhileIdle="true"         timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="900000" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="30" logAbandoned="true" validationQuery="${webmanager.externaldb.validationquery}"/>>

    Note that you still have to fill in the correct values for the username, password, driverClassName, URL and validationQuery attributes. Examples of these can be found in the settings.xml.

    For Jboss edit the standalone.xml and add this datasource to datasources subsystem:

    Code Block
    <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/jdbc/WebManagerDb" pool-name="WebManagerDb" enabled="true" use-java-context="true">

    Note that you still have to fill in the correct values for the connection-url, driver, user-name and password. Examples for the connection-url, driver and user-name can be found in the settings.xml. The driver value has to correspond with the name attribute of the driver you wish to use as defined in the drivers tag in the datasources subsystem. Furthermore, the driver for your database must be copied to the lib directory of your Tomcat or JBoss installation. Supported drivers can be found in the ext-directory in the root of the SDK distribution.

    It is advised to generate a new repository.xml using the maven configure-jcr-repository profile to make sure the jcr also accesses the database using JNDI and uses the WebManagerDb database connection. When you place this newly generated repository.xml you need to completely rebuild the JCR-index and thus stop the application server, remove the current repository directory and then start the application server again. If your installation contains custom database connections, you have to manually configure those to make use of JNDI, which includes adding the datasource to the application server configuration and updating the database connection set in the [Database configuration] tab of the setup tool.

    If you don't want to use JNDI, you have to fill in the old settings in the dbcbmanager sets in the dpcbmanager_defaults.xml which are generated in the WEB-INF folder of the webmanager-backend-webapp based on the settings.xml before executing the upgrade. You cannot generate non-JNDI dbcpmanager_defaults.xml using a maven command you always have to do this manually.

  •  The secure form signer used to protect forms against tampering has been changed. All dumped pages which contain interactive forms or advanced forms will need to be regenerated or flushed from the cache. Any old pre-upgrade forms submitted by browsers to the website after the upgrade will be rejected by the secure forms checking filter.

  • PageVersionEvent.getTargetPageVersion() is deprecated; use .getPageVersion() instead. This change is relevant only for event handlers that use the deprecated method on a COPY event.

  • PageVersionEvent.getEntity() no longer returns the original page version, it now returns the target page version. The same holds for .getPageVersion(). This change is relevant only for event handlers that use one of these methods on a COPY event.

  • ElementEvent.getElement() now returns the target element, instead of the old element. This change is relevant only for event handlers that use this method on a COPY event.

  • ElementEvent.getOriginalElement() now returns the original element. This change is relevant only for handlers that use this method on a COPY event.

  • Subscription to interface scopes is possible; this might cause issues if a handler is subscribed to both Foo.class and FooParent.class.

  • The PageManagementService no longer publishes UPDATE events, WCBs that rely on such an event being published after calling either .addLeadText(PageVersion), .addRedirect(PageVersion), or.reorderElements(PageVersion, Element[]) should now publish UPDATE events themselves.

  • HistoryEvent.TOUCH is deprecated (and no longer published), please replace this with EntityEvent.UPDATE (both PRE and POST).

  • Saving page metadata no longer publishes an MediaItemVersionEvent, but a PageVersionEvent instead.

  • Apache Commons FileUpload has been updated to v1.3.1 (from 1.2.2), any implementation of FileItem now should implement both setHeaders(FileUploadHeaders) and getHeaders(). See for other changes.

titleXperienCentral 10.2.x or older to 10.3.0

XperienCentral 10.2.x or older to 10.3.0

  • In 10.2.1 or higher the XML parser factories of JBoss are boot delegated. Therefore, bundles that use XML parsing must import involved packages from javax.xml.* of the system bundle. Bundles cannot include a jar that provides javax.xml interfaces, or a ClassCastException occurs in combination with JBoss. This situation differs from 9.20.x as javax.xml.* packages were boot delegated. This breaks modularity of these packages leading to the problem the other way around: bundles cannot provide an implementation of a javax.xml.* package.
  • In 10.3.0 or higher the hidden fields with name formid and clientsideRouting for Interactive Forms no longer have the id attributes with respective values formid and clientsiteRouting. Custom javascript code which depends on these iID attributes has to be updated.
  • In 10.3.0 or higher, the divs with id attributes starting with "info_" and "errors_" have been extended with an identifier for the form to which they belong. Custom javascript code which depends on these id attributes has to be updated.
  • In 10.3.0 or higher add the "Create versions of content items" permission explicitly to the "Create object" activity of all workflow repository models being used, in order to be able to create content versions of content repository related types.



GX WebManager 9.18.x, 9.19.x and 9.20.x to XperienCentral 10.x.x
