Versions Compared


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titleXperienCentral R34

XperienCentral R34

Release date: November 18, 2021

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-35073] - IAF language label panel can be made unusable
[GXWM-38204] - Advanced search term "item" retrieves media items such as articles without any title/content relevant to the search term
[GXWM-38442] - When switching the language version of a content item, the language pull-down changes back to its original state
[GXWM-38485] - IAF breaks after removing a fragment with an empty identifier
[GXWM-38487] - wm:link tag does not generate a URL when linking to a page in another language if that page does not exist in the current language
[GXWM-38503] - CSRF Prevention Filter blocks HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE requests
[GXWM-38505] - Siteworks posts are blocked when the URL is excluded from CSRF protection
[GXWM-38512] - The SOLR index can sometimes generate an incorrect "contentdate" for media items that have multiple language versions
[GXWM-38514] - The lead image of a media item is deleted from disk when uploaded twice with the same filename
[GXWM-38533] - Pages in the non-default language are not properly indexed on the frontend
[GXWM-38539] - The display-on page for media items is incorrect after switching between versions


[GXWM-38440] - Quickly indicate which language versions of a content item exist
[GXWM-38484] - Use 'current edit version' of content items in Search
[GXWM-38488] - Upgrade connector/j to version 8 as recommended by MySQL

New Feature

[GXWM-34595] - Show all the language versions of a page/page section as well in the Versions overview


[GXWM-34266] - Support for JBoss 7.2 EAP


[GXWM-38558] - Add documentation for the "Actions" menu in element properties


Modular Content 2.0.23


[XA-719] - Predefined list property does not work in other channels

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titleXperienCentral R33.1

XperienCentral R33.1

Release date: September 27, 2021

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-35890] - Faulty scrolling behaviour when clicking on an element in Edit mode
[GXWM-38395] - Update embedded Tomcat to version 9.0.50
[GXWM-38397] - Non article/image/download custom media items cannot be searched for
[GXWM-38403] - Images in modular content can no longer be removed or selected from the Content Repository
[GXWM-38410] - Log file warning "Unable to create image for url"
[GXWM-38411] - Replacing an image in Modular Content Image field does not always work
[GXWM-38412] - The IAF file extension validator incorrectly matches files as invalid when multiple extensions are entered
[GXWM-38413] - Default credentials provider can hide credentials from custom provider
[GXWM-38414] - Content types available in Content Creation widget despite workflow restrictions
[GXWM-38489] - Cannot replace locally uploaded image in modular page metadata


[GXWM-35426] - Require Java 11 as the minimum version and add support for Java 13
[GXWM-38441] - Allow excluding URL paths from CSRF prevention filter check

New Feature

[GXWM-36863] - Maximum number of items in Bulk actions seems limited to 1000
[GXWM-37169] - Importing forms should signal where parameters in handlers and routers are not filled
[GXWM-38259] - Add support for the MariaDB database


[GXWM-38233] - Document the XperienCentral JCR Index
[GXWM-38384] - Document the IAF date element
[GXWM-38388] - Document the EntityEvent TOUCHED
[GXWM-38409] - Include upgrade instructions of upgraded add-ons that are included in a XperienCentral release.


[GXWM-32424] - Add image origin, title in content repository and/or link to Image content item to 'image element'


Applicable to all XperienCentral add-ons

[XA-703] - Check/fix all add-ons so they work with Java 11

Modular Content 2.0.22


[XA-696] - Importing modular content tag property fails

Headless Integration 2.2.7

New Feature

[XA-636] - Search and Retrieve API (was: "Headless API")


[XA-635] - Document the JSON returned by the default headless presentations

Monitoring Framework 1.1.16


[XA-674] - jcr.AccessDeniedException error when a read-only instance is started


[XA-691] - I/O indicators do not stop running when stopping the bundle

BlueConic Integration 1.4.5


[XA-495] - The BlueConic Segment import job should not start multiple times

Connector API 3.6.17


[XA-698] - Content staging: Create option to keep publication date at import

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titleXperienCentral R32

XperienCentral R32

Release date: May 12, 2021

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-34688] - Unable to select content items using Content Selector Widget in a Panel Widget
[GXWM-35665] - The content index is not rebuilt during startup
[GXWM-36597] - CR15 - The Configuration menu is not accessible on smaller screens
[GXWM-37101] - Media Item language version SEO entries still exist after deleting and recalculating
[GXWM-37244] - Redirect from /web/setup to the backend XC login screen if the user is not logged in
[GXWM-37861] - CR7 - Sometimes text on the next line below a link is included in the link
[GXWM-37862] - CR7 - It is not possible to place the cursor before the first character of multi-line text in the Rich Text Editor
[GXWM-37982] - The Website drop-down in the Language Labels panel is broken
[GXWM-38005] - Link models for a link to a redirect page generate a 500 error on read-only server instances
[GXWM-38012] - The title of display on pages is shown in the incorrect language
[GXWM-38013] - The link for the version of the display on page of an article is in the wrong language
[GXWM-38017] - The Site Structure widget does not show the correct language version
[GXWM-38045] - Pasting text copied from outside XperienCentral does not always work
[GXWM-38066] - The SEO URL of an inactive page version is active
[GXWM-38156] - The Rich Text Editor shows the top of the page when pasting text
[GXWM-38169] - Importing content items containing the root page section fails
[GXWM-38172] - Download and content overview elements do not show personalized downloads in the edit environment
[GXWM-38173] - Links to pages with read access are not shown as links in the edit environment
[GXWM-38175] - A planned image is not visible in modular content metadata
[GXWM-38184] - Advanced search starts endless recursion when using free text fields in facets
[GXWM-38194] - The site structure does not load the pages when a page title contains a backslash


[GXWM-29123] - Provide a solution for Media Pages and language page versions
[GXWM-37300] - Support the Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser
[GXWM-37933] - Improve getCurrent and getPlanned API of content items
[GXWM-37994] - Refer to system property in settings.xml files
[GXWM-38090] - Upgrade the bundled Tomcat from version 9.0.41 to 9.0.45
[GXWM-38149] - Give a page a higher ranking in Advanced Search than its corresponding media page

New Features

[GXWM-37868] - CR1 - The Plugins panel should be responsive
[GXWM-37869] - CR1 - The IAF import/export panel should be responsive
[GXWM-37870] - CR2 - Automate URL removal from Google search results
[GXWM-37873] - CR4 - Add bulk action: assign Tags
[GXWM-37874] - CR5 - Improve search logic of advanced search
[GXWM-37875] - CR6 - Support pasting text without markup in the inline editor
[GXWM-37876] - CR8 - Support changing content type page to article and visa versa in bulk actions
[GXWM-37877] - CR9 - Support alternative SEO URLs for media items
[GXWM-37878] - CR7 - Support using enter on newline after element in RTE
[GXWM-37923] - CR1 - The Redirects panel should be responsive
[GXWM-37924] - CR1 - The Design templates panel should be responsive
[GXWM-37996] - CR3 - 1a. Make the sidebars scrollable
[GXWM-37997] - CR3 - 1b. maximize/minimize widget on header double click
[GXWM-37998] - CR3 - 2. Change the appearance of the ‘open/close/drag’ sidebar triggers
[GXWM-37999] - CR3 - 3a. Introduce a fixed header to the top of both sidebars
[GXWM-38001] - CR3 - 3c. Append language switch to the Sidebar fixed header
[GXWM-38002] - CR3 - 3d. Append 'new content item' to the Sidebar fixed header
[GXWM-38030] - Include "L CODE" in all inline links and in headless presentations
[GXWM-38041] - CR8a - Add Meta Keywords field to articles
[GXWM-38042] - CR8b - Add Remark field to articles
[GXWM-38043] - CR8c - Add Lead field to pages
[GXWM-38044] - CR8d - Add Lead and Lead Image field to pages
[GXWM-38051] - Media pages should inherit lead text and lead image from page version


[GXWM-37872] - CR3 - Support vertical scrolling in Sidebars


[GXWM-38034] - Enhance the upgrade documentation with regard to handling configuration files
[GXWM-38040] - Explicitly document that the AWS Aurora database is not supported


Modular Content 2.0.18


[XA-629] - The content index returns a null pointer exception for modular content containing predefined list properties
[XA-632] - Predefined list properties are lost when exporting modular content
[XA-653] - Upgrading Modular Content properties fails when a used tag is removed


[XA-627] - The Modular Content element should only show modular templates that can be used in an element

Connector API 3.6.13


[XA-654] - Presentation variants and tags are not imported
[XA-657] - Null pointer exception during import of content for a language that does not yet exist on the target

Headless Integration 2.2.5

New Feature

[XA-649] - Search and Retrieve API ("Headless API") - Part 1

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titleXperienCentral R23

XperienCentral R23

Release date: March 8, 2019

The following issues have been resolved in this version of XperienCentral.


[GXWM-10532] - Content-type header can not be set within a JSP
[GXWM-14712] - It is possible to downgrade a plugin via the edition-bundles directory
[GXWM-33593] - The friendly URL for database pages cannot be updated
[GXWM-34416] - The available content types sometimes are deselected after a new deploy
[GXWM-34875] - The file store does not synchronize sized images on Windows
[GXWM-35083] - An orphan node is created in the JCR when modifying an existing element
[GXWM-35757] - The Entity Manager leaks "trashcan" nodes in the JCR
[GXWM-35763] - The CurrentRolloverDetector creates nested sessions if it takes too long to finish
[GXWM-35973] - Facets in Advanced Search do not appear if getIdentifier is not implemented

Change Request

[GXWM-35379] - Support for Angular-based panels has been added 


[GXWM-34991] - SEO support for database pages has been improved


[GXWM-35720] - A new imaging API has been added
[GXWM-35755] - XperienCentral can be used in headless mode
[GXWM-35756] - XperienCentral version numbers now use the format Rxx (R23 for example)


[GXWM-35346] - Modular Content
[GXWM-35713] - Media Feeds panel
[GXWM-35715] - Headless presentations


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