Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Publication StatusThe following are the possible publication status states:
  • Active — The content item version has a public workflow state ("Published" for example) and the current date/time falls within the publication and expiration date range and the version has the most recent publication date.
  • Inactive — The content item version has a non-public workflow state ("Planned" for example) or its publication date is not the most recent.
  • Expired — The content item version has a public workflow state ("Published" for example) and the current date/time is later than the expiration date.
  • Planned — The content item version has a public workflow state ("Published" for example) and the current date/time is earlier than the publication date.
Workflow StatusThe workflow state that the content item is currently in (Planned, Published, etc.). To change the Workflow State, select it from the drop-down list. You can also change the status of a content item by selecting "Change Status to" in the Actions menu.
CreatedThe date and time that the content item was created.
Last modifiedThe date and time that the content item was last modified.
IDThe internal ID of the content item. This is the unique identifier within XperienCentral for all content items that have only one version. All versions of a content item share the same ID. Because of this, the "Version ID" of a content item version, described below, is therefore its unique ID within XperienCentral. You can search for content items according to its ID using both Quick Search and Advanced Search.
Version IDThe unique internal ID of this version of the content item. Because different versions of a content item share the same ID (described above), the version ID of a content item version is its unique identifier within XperienCentral. You can search for content items according to its version ID using both Quick Search and Advanced Search.
RemarkRemarks allow you to note what you have modified or attach other comments to a page or page section. When a page or page section has a remark added to it, the icon for the page or page section in the Page Section Widget or Site Structure Widget has a yellow tint. See Site Structure Widget for more information.
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Watch this ContentClick [Start Watching] to watch this content. When you watch content, you will receive an e-mail notification when the following events occur:

  • Content is modified.
  • The workflow state is modified.
  • A page or page section is moved.
  • A content item is deleted.
